French 2018

7ième Mois: Jour 25

👑 Beaucoup d’entre nous ne peuvent vraiment pas affronter une forme de conflit, mais cela cause aussi des problèmes tout aussi néfastes que ceux qui peuvent donner autant qu’ils obtiennent quand ils voient rouge! 🐂 Si nous traversons la vie en évitant les conflits, cela crée tout un tas de problèmes, du fait d’être hypocrite jusqu’à être agressif…

French 2018

7ième Mois: Jour 24

👑 En cas de conflit, il est très facile de laisser la chair entrer en action et de ne pas pardonner quelqu’un. Personne n’aime le conflit, car il suscite toutes sortes d’émotions qui peuvent sembler accablantes et grandes… La colère, le pitié de soi, la rancoeur etc. 🤦🏽‍♀️ Nous devons nous assurer que lorsque nous nous excusons, nous…

French 2018

7ième Mois: Jour 23

👑 Alors que nous examinons le conflit, nous devons comprendre que nous avions le devoir de nous comporter correctement et de lui faire plaisir dans nos actions. Tout le monde se met en colère et en colère contre les gens, c’est la nature humaine… MAIS comment nous réagissons ou nous l’administrons, c’est ce qui intéresse Dieu….

French 2018

7ième Mois: Jour 22

👑 C’est n’est pas parce que nous sommes dans le Royaume, que nous pouvons jamais experimenter de conflit ou de friction avec les gens! Nous devons comprendre que « être gentil » à cause de notre foi et ne pas s’engager dans un conflit est une position religieuse qui peut aboutir à ce que nous soyons…

The Noticeboard

We Need You!

We need some of you to contribute to our website in your specialised areas! If you would like to contribute by articles, vlogs, videos whatever you feel comfortable with, we would love to hear from you! We are looking for: 💖medical professionals 💖fitness instructors 💖 stylists and makeup artists 💖nutritionists 💖life coaches 💖teachers 💖child psychologists…

The Noticeboard

Just A Reminder

It is very important to us that the integrity, spirit and content of our posts are kept in context. There is a whole architecture behind the postings on Accord to ensure correct impartation, accountability and identity. With this in mind, we respectfully ask that none of the text is cut and pasted onto other social…

The Village

Don’t neglect the good thing!

If you are anything like me, date night can be a nightmare!  So much expectation, work and effort when the truth is we are tired and comfortable at home! I love the hubs very much. He is definitely the right man for me and I love spending time together…so what’s the problem? Honestly, it’s stuff!…

The Temple

Where is your “click”?

2018 has been the year I got my “click”! We all have things in our lives that we have struggled with for years, maybe repeating the same vicious cycles over and over again with patterns of failure becoming the norm. This has been my story in the area of my weight loss and living a…

The Temple

The Journey from I Can’t to I Do

When you’re doing something difficult over a long period of time, it’s almost instinctive to break it down into more manageable chunks. Running a race, for example, becomes not just a physical endurance feat, but a mathematical one… “Alright, so 26.2 miles—well that’s just a couple of half marathons; hard but not impossible. In fact…

The Temple

I Start with My Shoes…

The journey toward fitness and wellness can often seem a daunting task, but it is a journey and that happens one step at a time.  A wise person said, “It is the journey that forges us.” That step by step process shapes us into something strong, enduring, and successfully allows us to move ahead with…


Month 2: Day 34

Such a beautiful Accord meeting today so grateful for our community and the way God chooses to speak to and through us!! Today, let’s meditate on how He wants to do all things in us!! Remember….Whatever you need to change in your life, HE needs to do it inside us and then it manifests on the…


Month 2: Day 33

  When we strive in our own flesh we are in danger of doing things He has not asked of us! Our acceptance is not based on works but on our heart! He just wants us…..SELAH X


Month 2: Day 32

As we get ready to move into a new month.. Let’s take a moment to focus on more of Him and less of us! I know we have focused on this a lot recently but let’s ask the Lord to show us what the reality of that in our own personal life looks like! We…


Month 2: Day 29

There is nothing that we have to go through that He doesn’t provide grace for to get us through it!! When we stop “trying” in our own strength and let His grace enable us…. There is a reward….


Month 2: Day 28

Here are a few things to think on today regarding our mind! We have looked at how to deal with our minds this month so now is a great day to stop and check ourselves out!! How is your mind doing?  💗


Month 2: Day 27

Today is the day to stop and realise who you are in Him!! Remember anything that is not real is not you!! Time to be confident in your identity given by His Word and build authentic things from the truth of who you are!!!


Month 2: Day 26

  Today let’s remember that we don’t know who we are until we read His word! He defines us and the labels we attach to ourselves and others can damage us! What labels do you need to change that you have attached to yourself and others?


Month 2: Day 25

We can choose what we want to think, that is our choice! We know that it is within our ability to take every thought captive and refuse to let our thoughts turn into behaviours that take us off the path. How are you doing with your thoughts? His grace is sufficient for us as we…